Ignite Curiosity Where Education Art and Innovation Converge

Ignite Curiosity Where Education

Art and Innovation Converge


Tutoring | Worksheet

Tutoring is a process that involves an active dialogue between the tutor and tutee. As students progress, they also need to take on more responsibility for their own learning. This means that their tutoring time together needs to shift slightly so tutors can teach students how to become better learners themselves.


Science & Arts Shows

Science, Arts, and Crafts Shows: To be creative is to let little pieces of your heart go & place them into each project you make”. Arts and crafts describe a wide variety of activities involving making things with one's own hands, while the science show is a sequence of dramatic demonstrations of science experiments on stage. The idea is to inspire the kids to pursue science beyond the classroom and find joy in learning. These shows also fascinate adults since there are several strange phenomena to witness.

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