MN NEXUS is a limited trading company that provides all the planning you need to create any event at an affordable price. We go through all the details from preparation to promotion to organization to success.

Mn Theatre


Mn Visionfv




Mn Goals


Who is The Founder of MN Nexus?

Mr. Mohammad Naji is a Lebanese citizen with over a decade of experience in event management. His extensive background includes collaborations with renowned NGOs in Lebanon, both international and local, such as the Beirut Marathon Association, One Lebanon NGO, G NGO, Ecolearn Summit, ID Group, and GCC [KSA|UAE|QA|BH]. 

From 2015 to 2024, Mr. Naji has successfully planned and organized more than 101 festivals and conferences.

With a vision to make MN NEXUS the go-to portal for creating the best, most qualified, and affordable events, Mr. Naji leverages his wide network of public relations with media companies, government entities, and diplomatic circles to ensure success.

Profile Pic
Whatsapp Image 2024 12 30 At 12.56.26 Pm
Whatsapp Image 2024 12 30 At 12.56.24 Pm Scaled E1736547473982
Whatsapp Image 2024 12 30 At 12.56.25 Pm

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